Wondering what is this cute "Green ball" floating in the aquarium?
This is MARIMO~ the Moss Ball! and it is FUN!
It can be purchase in large aquarium store~!
imagine how cute your aquarium become when you have them with beautiful fishes...
How to take care if marimo?
- it can be grow in tap water at room temperature (but don't be lazy to get your tank water changed every 1 or 2 weeks time, it help the growth of marimo)
- normal aquarium lighting is enough to them for photosynthesis (or indirect sunlight, since the marimo is only adapted to low light conditions)
Will it grow fast?
- it depends, with sufficient nutrient and clean water, it grow faster
- remember your aquarium with water movement for your cute marimo, as they keep rolling around and hope their shape~
- be patient...
If you have one or more in your tank, please do share us more~
Everyone love fishes at home or a pond. If you love fishes and want them in your pond or home then go to Online Fish Store and buy one today. You love it to have fishes at your home.