Sunday 16 September 2012

The Cute Spotted Garden Eel

Yes, let me introduces you guys a very cute creatures --- the Spotted Garden Eel (Heteroconger hassi)~


The Garden Eel, also known as Hass's Garden Eel, looks like a colony of seagrass.The main portion of the Garden eel is usually buried in the sand, and if approached, retreats into the substrate. Several of these eels may be kept together in a 100 gallon or larger aquarium with at least 6 inches of sand, a gentle current, and without aggressive tank mates. Decor should be kept at a minimum. A tight-fitting lid is required to prevent escape.
The Garden Eel diet consists of meaty foods and live foods such as freshwater ghost shrimp or small feeder fish.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3" to 4" Medium: 4" to 7"

Special Threats and Management

Garden eels are the hardest of all eels to keep in the home aquarium. They require lots of special planning and care. These eels need to spread out, so the tank needs to be quite large because if the males are too close to one another, they will fight. The sand also needs to be at least one-half foot deep or the garden eels will hurt their tails by trying to drive into the bottom of the tank when forming their burrow. There also needs to be an artificial current to bring them their live food. All of these factors make garden eels hard to keep at home. Their population remains stable, but if too many are collected in the pet trade and sold in pet stores, they may decline.

Did You Know?

Sneaky snake eels dive deep into the sand, far from a colony of gardens eels. The snake eels then slither their way underneath the garden eels' burrows, attacking them from underneath.

Large triggerfish dive bomb garden eel colonies, digging them out of the sand when the eels try to hide inside.

In the wild, a small percentage of garden eels get a disease called blisterhead. Their head swells up much larger than their body. Blisterhead is caused by an infection from a parasite.

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